September 2013 Quarterly Communication
10th September 2013
The Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge of MMM was held at our Craft HQ, Gt. Queen St, to accommodate the numbers expected. This was on Tuesday  10TH Sept. The PGM was delighted to be accompanied by no less than 19 members from WL., of whom 18 dined. Goat's Cheese Starter, followed by open Fish Pie (delicious) and banana brulee.

W.Bro Graham Bailey  G Std B

The photos attached of those attending, (with apologies for any omissions). RW Bro Thomas Firth Jackson PGJW proved camera shy. He was technically present as The Grand Master of the Allied degrees, but we were delighted to welcome him as our former Special Rep. It was also a privilege to be accompanied by W. Bro Phil Gunning, our A.Pr.G.M. in the Craft. Unfortunately W Bro. Ken Jackson, (Barrow) who had booked in was unable to attend  because of ill health on the morning. We wish him a speedy recovery.
W. Bro Johm Fairbairn, W. Bro Dennis Myers,
W. Bro's Phillip Gunning, Ian Nairn APr GM,
W. Bro Brian Davey, and by W. Bro Eric Drinkwater
Ernie Waites & VW Bro Keith Beardmore D Pr GM.
Two Grand Stewards:


W. Bro's Geoff Catterall and John Mawdsley
W.Bro's Edwin Schofield and John Bicknell.
W. Bro Graham Bailey G Std B and W.Bro Graham Halsall Ass G Chap.
MW. Bro Benjamin Addy Pro GM presided, and we had a report from the President of the MBF, which I hope to repeat on our website.
It was a delight to see W Bro Graham Halsall, Ass G Chap, W.Bro Graham Bailey, G Std B, W. Bro John Mawdsley and W. Bro Geoff Catterall, both of whom are Grand Stewards: all working on the floor of Grand Lodge.

A very 'Mark' day enjoyed with conviviality and fun: not least by the PGM.

Further photographs of the reception by Keith Beardmore below.
Report and photographs courtesy of Peter Connolly  and Keith Beardmore